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The Cub

The news site of Ludlow High School

The Cub

The news site of Ludlow High School

The Cub

Despite new laws, bullying still prevalent

Today I stepped into my third period English class as I do every day. I set my backpack and sweater down at my desk and took out my wrinkled agenda like I do every day.

But today was different.

On March 6, 2013, I felt a true feeling of disgust and distaste. I had overheard a boy in my class with a disability ask if W.A.W stood for World At War. And to my surprise, another boy turned and replied in the snottiest of tones:: “Well, obviously, stupid.”

This irked me to the point where I was ready to smack him. I turned to him in anger and said, “Do you think you’re cool treating a person that way? Do you think that’s okay?” But all he had to say was “I don’t care.”

Furiously, I turned away, anger written all over my face and sat down, unsure what to do or say.

What has this so-called “popular crowd” come to? I can’t stand any person that would do that to someone “special needs”; better yet, anyone at all.

The reason the school has students mixed with A.D.D kids and other children with disabilities is for them to get an equal education, to show some respect for others, and to make those kids with disabilities feel that they belong. Also, because they’re people too, and just as smart as any other kid in the same grade. Sometimes they even learn faster.

To see someone take advantage of a person like that is not mature nor what we are supposed to be here for. No one deserves to be hurt for any reason because there’s no such thing as a stupid question. EVER.

Bullying is disgusting, and there is no excuse to hurt a person, especially in that way. What happened to what we all learned in elementary school? Treat others the way you want to be treated. I feel as though what we learned then, is forgotten now. WE are in high school. H.I.G.H.S.C.H.O.O.L. I believe its time for us to act like it.

We are human. All of us. And we are all different in so many ways. See someone sad in the hallways? Give them a smile or just a friendly hello, or support. A smile can make all the difference.

So what if someone has different hair or different eyebrows, or a little bit over weight? They are different. They’re taking the path less taken. They’re showing their true colors and not following others. But the words people say to each other or the names they are called can hurt a person’s mental stability and make them literally want to die. Would you be able to live with yourself knowing that your own words killed an innocent person and life just because they’re different?

Everyone’s story is different, just take the time to read it. As simple as that. We can change, one person at a time.

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