Class of 2019 elects Ibas as class president
May 2, 2018
Junior Arda Ibas was elected as the 2019 class president, defeating Ethan Provost who has been the class president for the past three years.
Ibas will not only have the responsibility of presidential duties senior year, but he will also be in charge of the 2019 class reunion years in the future.
He plans “on organizing a senior trip the class and will enjoy ordering shirts that will truly represent the class of 2019 and our pride.”
Arda feels “very honored to be president for our last year. Everyone in the class of 2019 is special to me and has left an impact on my life in one way or another. I couldn’t be happier to be working with everyone this upcoming school year to make senior year a memorable one.”
Many juniors feel like having a new president for this last year is a good change.
“I think having a new president will be better. There will be good changes because Arda is very talkative to everyone in the class not just a small group of people so he will be able to get everyone’s ideas.” says junior Caitlin Plourde.
Junior Jerry Smith feels the same: “I feel that having a fresh face as our president is a good thing, it’s upsetting to say goodbye to our former president, but having a new person to represent our class could be both beneficial and helpful as we head into our senior year.”
Ibas’s message to the class of 2019 is “please don’t be shy. If you have an issue in the school, tell me and I’ll bring it up to the student council. If you have a proposal for our class, I’ll make sure to address it at a class meeting with you by my side.”