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The news site of Ludlow High School

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LHS students discuss how they would spend their last day

LHS students discuss how they would spend their last day

We’ve all heard about how the world is “supposed to end” on December 21. So, if you knew for a fact that the world is actually going to end, what would you do?

Personally, I would get my family, boyfriend and closest friends together and just spend all my time with them, enjoying each other’s company and probably reminiscing all our old, funny family memories. I’d also like to do something crazy like skydiving or parasailing.

Now let’s ask the same question to the students and staff of LHS…

“I would go bungee jumping and skydiving,” says senior Brian Chipman.

“I’d blast music with my closest friends and party hard,” says senior Julianna Cameron.

“I would want to say goodbye to my family but then I’d get my friends together and party, project-x style,” says senior Jill Batista.

“I would stop coming to work, get all my family and friends together, and just hangout with them until the end of time,” says Mr. Rea.

“I’d want to do something crazy, like skydive, and then spend whatever time I have left with my friends, family and my boyfriend,” says senior Sierra Marcus. “I wouldn’t dwell on the bad, I’d focus on all the good things.”

“I would make sure that the person who means the most to me finally knows how I feel, and how much they mean to me. I’d make sure everyone I love understands their value in my life,” says sophomore Emily Hart.

“I would probably spend most of my time with my girlfriend and do whatever we wanted to do, and go to places we’ve always wanted to see,” says sophomore Cam Hurley.

“I would spend my time with my horses and my best friend,” says senior Toriann Portier.

“I’d spend the rest of my time with my family and do all the things I’ve always wanted to do, like travel the world, skydive, scuba dive, and bungee jump,” says sophomore Alyssa Szymczyk.

“I would have the time of my life, and tell everyone I love them,” says junior Cooper Dalton. “I’d probably release all the animals from the zoo.”

“I would get a cliche tattoo saying “It was fun while it lasted,’” says senior Sara Moreau.

“I’d do as much fun stuff as I can, like mountain climbing and snowboarding,” says senior Joe Ziemba.

“I’d probably get all my closest friends and family together,” says junior Emilia McDaneld. “If there was more time, I would like to travel the world with my friends.”

“On the day the world is supposed to end, I’m skipping school,” says senior Royce Beal.

“I would spend time with those I care about the most,” says senior Ernad Minic.

“I will walk up to the girl I love and kiss her on the lips. Also, I’d like to do a really long car chase,” says junior Philip Costa. “I’d want to rob a bank too.”

“I don’t really think I would do anything different. I mean, I am who I am and I don’t feel like anything would change that,” says senior Ryan Wytas. “Besides, what can I do in less than a week anyway?”

“I would say sorry to people I’ve hurt in the past, tell my best friend that I like him, and I would just want to be friends with everyone and have no more enemies,” says freshman Cassie Morris.

“I’d probably go rob a bank, then party like never before,” says senior Mike Szymczyk

“I would spend the time at home with my family and friends, and maybe steal some video games to play,” says senior Joe Taylor.

“Honestly, I’d spend as much time as I could with my family and friends and pray a lot,” says senior Kaitlyn Parent.

“I really don’t know what I’d do, probably go out and party,” says sophomore Kaylee Murray.

“I would probably try to spend time with everyone I care about before or on the day the world is ending,” says senior Katrina Kobus.

“What I would do is make sure I am surrounded by my friends and family and make the most of my last moments,” says sophomore Alexis Williams.

“Well I couldn’t really do much of anything about it, but I’d just try to live every moment to the fullest,” says senior Adam Herrick.

“I would try to make the best of what time I had left and try to cross things off my bucket list, like scuba diving and stuff like that,” says sophomore Emily Shyloski.

“I’d probably try to straighten things out with people and try to stay really close to my family, and store up on a bunch of canned goods,” says freshman Jennifer Saloio.

“I’d do everything I’ve ever wanted to do like bungee jumping and stuff,” says senior Ashlynn Aguilar.

“I’d probably just spend all my time with my girlfriend,” says senior Alex Gaughan.

“I would probably go live with my boyfriend and try to survive it, like in the movie 2012,” says sophomore Cristina Dias.

“That’s a really tough question, but I’d probably make the most of my last few days and spend them with the people I love like my friends and family…and do all the things I’ve always want to. I probably wouldn’t sleep because when we all die I guess that’s my time to rest,” says junior Belinda Jozefczyk.

“I would spend the time with my family and say goodbye to my friends, nothing crazy,” says senior Jon-Luc Lavoie.

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