Joe Forzano

Senior Joe Forzano poses for a shot in AP English.

Zoe Vital, Editor in Chief

Whether it’s through his countless hours of community service or his bubbly personality, senior Joe Forzano is always looking to help someone out.

Forzano is an active member of Best Buddies, Leading Lions, Student Council and As Schools Match Wits team. When he’s not participating in clubs he can be found running for the Ludlow Boy’s Cross Country team or getting ready for a serve on the boy’s volleyball team.

Not only is Forzano active in clubs and sports but he is ranked number 3 in the senior class on top of being awarded Youth of the Year by the Ludlow Boys and Girls Club.

Due to being such a focused and successful young man, Forzano was accepted to all of the colleges to which he applied but plans on attending Colby next fall. He hopes to earn a bachelor’s in biochemistry and later a master’s degree in biochemical engineering.

“I love helping people and new medicines are a great way to do this,” said Frozano, “I want to cure cancer.”

Although Forzano is excited for graduation he says he will miss his teachers and classmates as well as fearing living on his own without his parents.

Looking back on his high school career Forzano is most fond of his senior year. He is looking forward to senior farewell while his favorite senior memory so far is senior show.

“I think we did a great job,” said Forzano,” It was a lot of fun and something I’ll never forget.”

Aswell as senior show, Forzano will always remember winning class couple with his long term girlfriend, Jordan Murray.