Ah, senior year, the last stretch of the race. Eleven years, one thousand nine hundred eighty days, thirteen thousand eight hundred sixty hours, eight hundred thirty-one thousand six hundred minutes, forty-nine million eight hundred ninety-six thousand seconds have gotten you to this point. In just less than one hundred eighty days, gowns will be worn, caps will be thrown, and the next chapter of your life will begin, whether that may be attending college, joining the military, taking a gap year, or enlisting in the workforce. Until then, you want to make those remaining days of high school count.
After all of the blood, sweat, and tears they’ve put into an academic career, some seniors believe that their final year of high school should be memorable, donned with certain senior privileges. I spoke with several members of this year’s senior class, and even a few members of the junior class regarding their thoughts on increased senior privileges, and three prominent ideas were expressed over and over again: off-campus lunches, decorated parking spots, and all-day DLT signouts.
Each day, students receive just under half an hour for lunch, which they are limited to spending in the cafeteria. But why can’t seniors leave school during their lunch period? Our town hosts a plethora of restaurants and fast food chains, many of which are within close proximity to the school. With Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and more all within such close reach, students often crave a change of scenery from the school cafeteria.
Likewise, many students live fairly close to the school and might find comfort and convenience in returning home to eat, reconnect with their family, and return to school recharged for the second half of their day. It would be the responsibility of the senior to ensure they return back to school on time, giving them a taste of the freedom that awaits just after high school.
Another classic rite of passage that generally awaits seniors is the opportunity to decorate their parking spots. Much like decorated caps, decorated parking spots allow seniors to express themselves one final time in high school and put a smile on their faces as they move about to and from each day. A decorated back parking lot would brighten the school atmosphere and serve as a bonding experience between the senior class. Junior class president, Jack Favata, is always seeking to brainstorm unique activities to bring his class together, claiming that “A designated day for seniors to decorate their parking spots would be the ideal start for the class of 2025’s senior year.”
If need be, seniors can propose their parking spot ideas to be approved by the school administration prior to decorating their spots, much like graduation caps. Once approved, students would purchase their own supplies for the project, and at the end of the school year, students would be accountable for cleaning off or painting over their decorated parking spot. Of course, seniors would not be obligated to paint or decorate their parking spaces if they choose, but the idea may stand for those students who wish to participate.
Evidently, the most overwhelming consensus came at the idea of all-day DLT signouts. “Why can students leave school early with a seventh-period DLT but not come in late with a first-period DLT?” I have heard this line countless times, and truthfully, why can’t seniors come in late during a first-period DLT or sign themselves out during any other DLTs? Noelle Dionne, a senior with a first-period DLT, shared that “Students are up late doing homework because they have work or other after-school activities, and an extra hour to sleep in would be beneficial.”
Because the opportunity to be dismissed early only extends to students with a seventh-period DLT, many seniors feel as though they are missing out on this privilege and wish for the policy to extend to other DLT periods as well. Again, as discussed with the off-campus lunch policy, it would be the student’s role to ensure they arrive back to class on time, ready to learn.
All in all, the seniors at Ludlow High School are astonished by the senior privileges that other high schools offer and wish to extend some of these policies to our own school. Senior year is a time to reflect on and relish in the successes of your academic career. These senior privileges will do just that in granting students a few extra freedoms to reward them for their twelve years’ worth of effort, dedication, and perseverance as they prepare to navigate their futures.
Thomas Przybyl • Nov 1, 2023 at 7:55 am
It would be nice to leave during my 5th period DLT to spend an hour munching on some edible food.