The misuse of the word “drama”

Sarah Stephenson, Editor-in-Chief

“I just really hate drama.”

“People legit live off of drama.”

“Omg she’s such a drama queen.”

There’s not a day of high school where I don’t hear some girl (who inserts herself into the drama by saying this) say one of those statements. I get not liking drama, but what is even considered drama?

There’s a difference between addressing an issue between two individuals and calling someone a b*tch because she  “looked at you the wrong way.” Nowadays, many people choose to ignore this difference. Talking about your feelings openly to someone has become criminalized.

Usually you feel that you need to talk to your friend about something they did that made you upset. But as soon as that idea oxidizes it grows into drama. How is telling your friend how they made you feel considered unnecessary communication?

Why shouldn’t anyone be able to defend themselves? Why should someone have to keep everything inside? Most importantly, why do people care so much?

We live in a small town where everyone knows everyone, and therefore we feel the need to know everything about everyone. This may seem harmless but when people begin to get involved in your “drama” that’s when a situation is smeared with that derogatory title.

According to many, LHS is rampant with unnecessary drama. Yet we are the ones who make it necessary. If people didn’t feel the need to soak up gossip like sponges then not everything would be considered drama.  

Next time you find yourself saying how dumb drama is think to yourself how you even got involved in the drama in the first place. If it doesn’t involve you then you don’t have the right to comment. Get some decency and give people their privacy.