Yearbook collects “senior quotes”

Kellie Salmond, Staff Writer

It is time for LHS seniors to fill out their quotes, wills, and prophecies for the yearbook. All seniors received an email from their guidance counselor, Tesha Ward, with important details about the senior profile. The senior profile is due Feb. 9, students can email completed profiles to Cailyn Pereira.

Students are responsible for making all their quotes, wills, and prophecies grammatically correct. They also must make sure everything they are planning to put in the yearbook is school appropriate.

Students can choose to fill out all categories or only a few of them. Here are some of the categories the students have to choose from; senior quote, where I will be in ten years, what I want to leave to Ludlow High school, and what I want to leave to the faculty.

There are also length guidelines students must follow when filling out the senior profile. The senior quote allows for 140 characters, and the wills and prophecies allow students to use a total of 500 characters.

This year, only the quotes will appear underneath the senior’s portrait. All other categories will appear in a separate section of the yearbook.

If any senior fails to follow these requirements, their information may be removed without notification from the yearbook.