The DesForge Walk/Run Challenge set for April 29
April 28, 2017

The DesForge Walk/Run Challenge will take place on April 29, at 9 a.m. This challenge is a 5K “Josh Worthy” trail that consists of various Marine Corps challenges and obstacles.
Sgt. Joshua DesForges lost his life in combat when he was in Afghanistan in May of 2010. He was a lifelong resident to Ludlow, growing up here and going to the local schools. The challenge first started when a former LHS attendance officer, Tom Cote, created a scholarship in Desforges name. Cote raised the initial money that was used to build the memorial located at the bus loop here at LHS. Now, the memorial is the starting point of the walk/run challenge.
Until last year, the fitness challenge was very different from the walk/run event. The old challenge had P90X style exercises such as pullups, pushups, and plyometrics. Now, participants have the option of walking or running through a trail through the woods behind LHS and other places such as the Ludlow Fish and Game Club and the Boys & Girls Club.
“It was challenging but overall was a lot of fun doing it with friends,” says Sophomore Meghan Seligman. “Finishing felt great.”
According to ninth and tenth grade assistant principal, Michael Halpin, the challenge changed in the hopes of getting the community more involved. The fitness challenge use to only allow 50-60 participants, and now there is an unlimited number of participants allowed. “It still incorporates the Marine Corps aspects of the challenge, but the participants can choose how physical they want to make it,” he says.
Because the event is outside, vendors such as veteran organizations, local merchants, and food trucks will be able to be at the event as too. A few tweaks as far as organization has been made for this years challenge.
“The first year was a huge success and we are expecting another great turnout,” says Halpin.