Jack Favata: A Natural Born Leader

Theryn Pelletier, Guest Writer

A class president spitballing ideas with his fellow advisors. A bold youth representing his peers within a local outreach group. A veteran ambassador advising a nonprofit leadership board. A bold captain leading the JV volleyball team. A lead actor in a high school play. 

Each of these people would typically stand out as an exceptional leader in their own right. However, at LHS, there is one student who goes beyond just one of those descriptors. In fact, every single one of the aforementioned roles is taken on by one singular individual; the Class of 2025’s very own Jack Favata.

Since he was young, Favata always seemed destined to be a leader. According to his older brother, Matt Favata, young Jack always loved being the center of attention, and the two would compete with each other over almost everything. 

“He has always been confident in himself,” Matt Favata reminisced. “He has the best self-esteem I know.”

But as the young Favata grew up, he was able to hone these skills and traits and use them to help mold the person he is today. His leadership potential really came to fruition during his freshman year. Jack Favata had hoped to take a shot at class office, and initially had his eyes set on the position of Vice President. He felt drawn to the position because, in his own words, he felt like he’s  “always been good at delegating tasks to other people.” But when Favata saw no one was running for president he decided to seize the opportunity. “I have a knack for organizing thoughts and ideas, so it just made sense for me to go for it,” he said. Favata has not looked back since. 

Jack Favata’s work as class president is certainly not light. According to Mr. Gavrilov, a class of 2025 advisor, Favata always makes an effort to keep classmates informed and up to date, be it through announcements or social media posts. As president, Favata has the role of making the voices of his classmates heard. He brings their ideas to advisors and staff and, in many cases, is capable of bringing said ideas to fruition. He also is key in planning the class’s trips and fundraisers and has, in many cases, run successful campaigns to raise money for his class.

“What really makes [Jack] a great leader,” Gavrilov commented, “is his ability to work with others on our team harmoniously.” 

When it comes to others’ ideas, Jack Favata is always open to listen to his classmates and advisors and happy to work with them to reach their goals. But he also is very honest and isn’t afraid to offer an alternative if he feels an idea isn’t the best option.

When it comes to working with Favata as a class officer, no one has more experience than his Vice President and close friend, Esther Coelho. The two have known each other since 6th grade, but their friendship really took off freshman year. Coelho was also interested in running for student government and was elected treasurer. As the year went on she found herself growing closer with Favata and decided to re-run this time as vice president, a position which she again won.

“He knows what he is doing and is very responsible,” said Coelho when asked about what it was like to work with Favata. “He’s not afraid to be honest and speak the truth, he’s very straightforward, and you’re going to have to deal with what he says, but in a good way.”

Coelho also made it clear that she is thankful for being able to work with a friend.  “It’s nice having a friend because we can just bounce ideas off each other,” she said. Coelho expressed hope to continue working with Favata throughout their high school years and maybe even beyond.

When it comes to his future as president, Jack Favata seemingly has nothing to worry about. His classmates seem incredibly satisfied with what he has done as a class officer. One sophomore and classmate of Jack Favata’s, Sophia Scyourka, claimed she was “extremely happy” and “very pleased” with him as president.

Another sophomore and Favata’s teammate in volleyball, James Dias, claimed he felt “great” about him as president.

While it is certain a large sum of Jack Favata’s time is spent working as a class officer, this is not the only way he leads those in his class. Favata takes all honors classes and expressed interest in “taking several AP classes going forward” for his junior and senior years. In this way, he is able to be a leader among his peers in the classroom.

Favata also plays a big role in several school clubs. He is an actor in the school drama club and often finds himself taking on important roles and helping those around him. Most recently, he played the role of the Cowardly Lion in the drama club’s rendition of The Wizard of Oz. Favata also frequently attends the school’s LHS Care’s Club, which does community outreach and fundraisers within the school.

But many of Jack Favata’s most impressive displays of leadership can be seen in the work he does outside of school to benefit his community. Favata is a board member of the Ludlow Cares Organization. This is an organization that focuses on community outreach, service, and fundraisers that benefit Ludlow and its citizens. 

As a student, Favata often helps bring concerns of students or the school in general that Ludlow Cares may be able to help with to the board. He also helps the board when it comes to deciding on projects to undertake and regularly volunteers for said projects.

Lexi-Mena Santucci, an LHS junior and student member of the Ludlow Cares board, frequently collaborates with Favata. As the only two students on the board, they often find themselves working together to help get their ideas out. “Jack is incredibly professional about his presentation about ideas,” Santucci remarks, “but he is very funny and always manages to bring a smile to people’s faces.”

Jack Favata began his work with Ludlow Cares through volunteering as part of his role as a Project 351 ambassador. Project 351 is a nonprofit organization in Massachusetts dedicated to cultivating positive experiences for communities across the state through student-led volunteer projects. As a member of the alumni board, Favata helps to direct both Project 351 and new ambassadors in the right direction. 

While his work in community enrichment is certainly a huge part of his life, Favata still finds time to dedicate to extracurricular activities. Favata skis in the winter and plays volleyball in the spring. In both these sports, he takes on an important role in leading his teammates, always keeping them focused on their goals and encouraging a positive environment.

Despite all he does, Jack Favata occasionally does find himself with minimal free time.

In this rare free time, Favata claims he often can be found spending time with his family, his friends or just scrolling TikTok. He has a special place in his heart for the water and loves to swim and go to the beach in the summer. He also is trained and works as a lifeguard.

Jack Favata enjoys dinner with his family.

Jack Favata certainly has a lot on his plate. But with all the work he does for his school and community, one thing is made clear, Favata is a natural-born leader. When asked if he wanted to continue following these leadership roles outside of school, he responded with uncertainty but also hope.

“I plan on going to a four-year college, so timewise it definitely depends,” he said, “but I would be super open to continuing some of my leadership roles, and I would also love to stay connected after graduation with Project 351”

With all the leadership roles he has taken on, Favata has certainly made himself quite the resume. His brother believes he may have a future in politics. But whatever he does, one thing is for sure. Wherever the world takes Jack Favata, he will certainly leave a positive and lasting impact.